Bifrost for Maya

Create complex simulations, right in Maya

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Bifrost makes it possible to create physically accurate and incredibly detailed simulations in a single visual programming environment in Maya.

Compounds & Graphs

From dust storms and volumetric clouds to fire and explosions, pre-built compounds and graphs make it quick and easy to create blockbuster-worthy effects right out-of-the-box.

You can also upload and share your own compounds and graphs at the “Upload your work” link below.

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aero explosion graph

This graph is an example to show power of amazing aero solver to create an...

Rebel Pack 0.4.0

This version of the Rebel Pack, 0.4.0, works with Bifrost and...

Compounds & Graphs

From dust storms and volumetric clouds to fire and explosions, pre-built compounds and graphs make it quick and easy to create blockbuster-worthy effects right out-of-the-box.

You can also upload and share your own compounds and graphs at the “Upload your work” link below.

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Rebel Pack 0.4.0

This version of the Rebel Pack, 0.4.0, works with Bifrost and...


Using strands to reconstruct edges of each face in a geometry.

Compounds & Graphs

From dust storms and volumetric clouds to fire and explosions, pre-built compounds and graphs make it quick and easy to create blockbuster-worthy effects right out-of-the-box.

You can also upload and share your own compounds and graphs at the “Upload your work” link below.

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Using strands to reconstruct edges of each face in a geometry.

Blog Posts

Introducing Bifrost 2.1

With a focus on new capabilities and ease-of-use, version 2.1 of Bifrost for Maya makes it possible to build compounds using rapid point-cloud...

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Blog Posts

Lights, Cameras, FX: Exploring What's Possible with Bifrost

In this Vision Series presentation, join the team behind Bifrost to see what's been added to the portable visual programming...

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This is the place for artists using Bifrost to ask and answer questions, browse popular topics, and share knowledge about creating effects procedurally using Bifrost.
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From written and video tutorials for beginners to complex walkthroughs for the most advanced users, we’ve got a range of learning content to get you started using Bifrost for Maya. 
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Getting Started in Bifrost 
Getting Started in Bifrost 

This series covers the basics of creating, caching, and rendering effects in Bifrost.

Visual Programming in Bifrost for non-programmers
Visual Programming in Bifrost for non-programmers

See how you can use a simple expression as a starting point for visual programming in Bifrost.

Programming a Geometry Collision Detection
Programming a Geometry Collision Detection

Learn how to program a function that examines whether and where geometries touch or intersect.


Bifrost Bootcamp

Become a Bifrost master in this 3-part bootcamp led by Bifrost product owners and research scientists. In these classes, we cover everything from how to use Bifrost for visual programming to deep dives into the aerodynamics and combustion solvers for natural-looking smoke, fire, and explosions, and the MPM solver for granular and cloth FX. 
Note: These are intermediate/advanced level courses. If you’re new to Bifrost, we recommend watching the Getting Started in Bifrost tutorials first. 
Begin Bootcamp






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You must have Maya 2018 or later to access Bifrost

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